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Single or Multiple Warehouse Systems

Cyrane’s stock control system efficiently manages single or multiple warehouses, utilising wireless scanners or a paper-based system as required. Designed for businesses of all sizes, this integrated stock control system can be scaled and adapted as your business grows. The system enables seamless stock control management, even across third-party warehouses, making it ideal for applications such as Amazon FBA.

Inter-Warehouse Transfer Control

With Cyrane’s stock control management system, transferring goods between warehouses is fully accountable through internal picking systems, despatch, and goods-in processes. This ensures precise stock control and streamlines operations. Automating replenishment orders across warehouses is a key feature of the integrated stock control system, providing clear visibility and efficiency.

Automated Purchase Order Creation

Multi-currency and drop-ship purchase orders can be automatically generated, reviewed, and completed within the stock control management system, saving time and reducing errors.

Goods Expected Dates

The integrated stock control system notifies warehouse and sales teams of expected stock arrival dates, enabling them to take forward orders with confidence.

Automatic FIFO Cost Price Updates

The system calculates stock valuation based on FIFO, ensuring accurate and live margin reporting, essential for efficient stock control management.

Instant Stock Allocation

Real-time allocation of stock across multiple orders prevents overselling, ensuring accurate reporting and consistent stock control.

Set Minimum/Maximum Stock Levels

The Cyrane stock control management system allows you to set minimum and maximum stock levels, enabling automated purchase orders and replenishment for satellite warehouses.

Drop Ship Order Creation

Drop ship orders are seamlessly generated by the integrated stock control system, streamlining the process and reducing manual effort.

Returns Management

Comprehensive returns management is built into Cyrane’s stock control system, covering supplier credits, repacking, restocking, or creating B-grade products for resale. This feature integrates seamlessly with customer-facing systems to handle credits, replacements, or alternative item supplies.

Product Import From Suppliers

Automated supplier data imports for stock and pricing updates allow for accurate stock control of available inventory, particularly for drop-ship sales.

Reorder Data Tools

Advanced reporting tools help maintain optimal reorder levels by providing insights into stock, reorder levels, and sales data—key components of effective stock control management.

Unexpected Goods-In Management

The system ensures that all unexpected goods arrivals are accurately accounted for within the integrated stock control system, maintaining up-to-date inventory records and availability.